Best Practices In Implementing Container Image Promotion Pipelines

A presentation at Developers Summit 2020 in February 2020 in Tokyo, Japan by Baruch Sadogursky

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Best Practices In Implementing Container Image Promotion Pipelines コンテナイメージのプロモーションパイプライン ベストプラクティス

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Poll time 会場のお客様に聞く

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Dockerをご存知ですか? Familiar with Docker* *Among Docker meetup attendees *Docker Meetupの参加者の結果

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気に入ってるソフトウエア Software I like よく知ってるソフトウエア Software I know really well

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気に入ってるけど… 信用してはいない!

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🎩 日本 @jbaruch #DataDrivenDevOps #PureAccelerate @ErinMeyerINSEAD’s “Culture Map”

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shownotes Ø Ø Slides Ø Video Ø Links Ø Comments, Ratings Ø Raffle @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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The Promotion Pyramid プロモーションのピラミッド Prod ビルドやデプロイに かかる時間 Build/Deploy time Pre-Prod Staging Integr. tests バイナリーの量 Dev Integration tests Amount of binaries Development builds Amount of builds ビルドの量

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Pipeline: quality gates and visibility 品質を管理し可視化する If quality requirments are hit CI SERVER 1 If quality requirments are hit 2 Integration If quality requirments are hit 3 System Testing 4 Staging Production * @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

  • Quality gates -

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$docker build @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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Let’s docker build in every env! 全部の環境でdocker buildしてしまえ! 品質要件を満たすなら 次のステージに移す ステータスがOKなら VCSコミットする 品質要件を満たさなければ そのビルドは壊れてる @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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That’s why. なぜなら… FROM ubuntu Latest version RUN apt-get install -y software-properties-common python RUN apt-get install -y nodejs RUN mkdir /var/www Latest version ADD app.js /var/www/app.js Latest version Latest version CMD [“/usr/bin/node”, “/var/www/app.js”] @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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That’s why. なぜなら… FROM ubuntu:19.04 Better now? RUN apt-get install -y software-properties-common python RUN apt-get install -y nodejs RUN mkdir /var/www ADD app.js /var/www/app.js CMD [“/usr/bin/node”, “/var/www/app.js”] @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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That’s why. なぜなら… FROM ubuntu:4033353383af19ec179c01dda7f355a246c6adcafaf93c8f98 And now? RUN apt-get install -y software-properties-common python RUN apt-get install -y nodejs RUN mkdir /var/www ADD app.js /var/www/app.js CMD [“/usr/bin/node”, “/var/www/app.js”] @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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That’s why. なぜなら… FROM ubuntu:4033353383af19ec179c01dda7f355a246c6adcafaf93c8f98 RUN apt-get install -y software-properties-common python RUN apt-get install -y nodejs RUN mkdir /var/www What about those? ADD app.js /var/www/app.js CMD [“/usr/bin/node”, “/var/www/app.js”] @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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That’s why. なぜなら… FROM ubuntu:4033353383af19ec179c01dda7f355a246c6adcafaf93c8f98 RUN mvn clean install What about this? CMD ”java –jar Main.class” @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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That’s why. なぜなら… FROM ubuntu:4033353383af19ec179c01dda7f355a246c6adcafaf93c8f98 RUN download_random_sh* And how about this? CMD [“/usr/bin/node”, “/var/www/app.js”] @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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That’s why you don’t trust Docker @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit だからDockerはあてにならない

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What’s up with the gates?! それじゃGateはどうなるの? @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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What’s up with the gates?! いやいやコイツじゃなくて

  • QA shouldn’t test dev images - non-tested images shouldn’t be staged - non-staged, non-tested or dev images shouldn’t end up in production!!! プロモートされず、テストもされてないdev imageは本 番環境に移行させない!! @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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Let’s build Rock-solid pipeline! 鉄板のPipelineを作ってみようぜ

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How do I separate dev from prod?! 開発環境と本番環境を どう切り離すのか? @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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Option 1: metadata tags @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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Option 2: Docker Repositories

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Separate registries per environment 環境ごとにレジストリを分ける If quality requirments are hit CI SERVER 1 If quality requirments are hit 2 Integration If quality requirments are hit 3 System Testing 4 Staging Production * @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

  • Quality gates -

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requirements 大切なこと… -Registry per environment -Easy access to all the images -Fast Promotion -Keep working with latest and knowing what it is 常に最新のモノを十分理解して利用する @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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The Anatomy of Docker Tag Docker Tagの構造 @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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Wait a second, how can I have more than one registry per host now?! ちょっと待ってよ! ホストごとに1つ以上の レジストリって持てる? @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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How can we support this? こうゆうのをどうサポートする? https://host:8081/registry/docker-dev/busybox https://host:8081/registry/docker-qa/busybox https://host:8081/registry/docker-staging/busybox https://host:8081/registry/docker-prod/busybox @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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Panic! パニック @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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Virtual hosts/ports to the rescue docker tag host:port/busybox Registry host Tag name https://host:port/v2/busybox https://host:8081/registry/docker-dev/busybox Context name Registry name Tag name

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server { listen 5001; } server_name; if ($http_x_forwarded_proto = ”) { set $http_x_forwarded_proto $scheme; } rewrite ^/(v1|v2)/(.*) /artifactory/api/docker/docker-dev/$1/$2; … } @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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But then you realize… ここでハタと気づく.. Wait a second, now I need to pull, retag and push for every step?! ちょっと待ってよ! つまりステップ毎にプルして、 タグつけ直してプッシュするっ てこと? ありえないでちゅ… @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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@jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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dev cluster test cluster staging cluster prod cluster @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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Repository (docker): Top level directory in a registry Repository (the rest of the world): A registry @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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@jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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  • Simplicity of latest - Always know what it really means - As long as you promoted immutable artifact 不変の配布物をプロモートする限りは @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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requirements 大切なこと… -Registry per environment -Easy access to all the images - Fast Promotion - Keep working with latest and knowing what it is @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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But what about the rest of the dependencies? でもそれ以外の依存関 係はどーするの? 依存関係は?

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@jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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Own your dependencies 自分でしっかり管理する

  • Your base image - Your infra - Your application files ⾃分のアプリケーション ファイル @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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conclusions まとめ…

  • Build only once - Separate environments - Promote what you’ve built - Own your dependencies 自分の依存関係は⾃分で管理する @jbaruch #DevelopersSummit

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Q&A and Links Ø@jbaruch Ø# DevelopersSummit Ø

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Ayana Yokota / 横田紋奈(よこな) デベロッパーアドボケイト at JFrog Twitter: @ihcomega マイブームはサウナ

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