Gradle build, Unleashed: A Whimsical Journey to Boost Gradle build Developer Productivity with LLMs

A presentation at Cleveland JUG Meetup August 2023 in August 2023 in Cleveland, OH, USA by Baruch Sadogursky

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Gradle build, Unleashed

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A Whimsical Journey to Boost Gradle build Developer Productivity with LLMs

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Baruch Sadogursky - @jbaru ch × Developer Productivity Advocate × Gradle Inc × Development -> DevOps -> #DPE

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shownotes × × × × Slides Video All the links! @JavaCleveland #gradle #DPE

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Questions to ask llm × × × × @JavaCleveland Why we want to improve the build? Is it only Gradle? Is it only the build? How can we improve our Gradle build? #gradle #DPE

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Answers, summarized × #DPE helps us improving our overall developer experience. The build is a good place to start. × It’s not only Gradle! Maven, SBT, Bazel and any other build can and should be improved! × It’s not only the build! Improving the entire cycle is important and worth investing! @JavaCleveland #gradle #DPE

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How can we improve our Grad le × × × × × @JavaCleveland build? Caching, local and remote Parallel testing, local and remote Predictive test selection Fight evil flaky tests! Watch your build like a hawk for degradations #gradle #DPE

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What you can do today (for fr ee × × × × × @JavaCleveland ) Parallel local Local caching Remote caching* Build Scans Win Prizes (a.k.a. speed challenge) #gradle #DPE

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What your company should pa y for × Gradle Enterprise × DPE Summit @JavaCleveland #gradle #DPE

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THANKS! Q&A and Twitter (or whatever) ads: x x x x @jbaruch @JavaCleveland #DPE