DevOps Reframed: Embracing the Path to Developer Productivity Engineering

A presentation at Dev2Next 2024 in October 2024 in Denver, CO, USA by Baruch Sadogursky

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Devops… reframed Embracing the Path to Developer Productivity Engineering

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Baruch Sadogursky - @jbaru ch × Developer Productivity Advocate × Gradle Inc × Development -> DevOps -> #DPE

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shownotes × × × × Slides Video All the links!

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Not a single developer!

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Next thing you know…

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And this:

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Parrot learns how to ask “Why?” repeatedly and is promoted to Engineering Manager

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Types of work according to d evops Planned Work Business projects or new features Internal Projects Server migrations, software updates and so on Changes Driven by feedback on completed work Unplanned Work Support escalations and emergency outages

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Types of work according to d New Features Writing code Refactoring Writing code Bug Fixes Writing code evelopers

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Software craft-person definit ion of done × We got what they × Tests - ✔ want × QA are happy × Clear code × Team lead is happy × Easy to deploy × Product owner is × Non-func reqs – ✔ happy – (i.e. customer is happy) × No new tech dept

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Software craft-person definit ion of done × We got what they × Tests - ✔ want × QA are happy × Clear code × Team lead is happy × Easy to deploy × Product owner is × Non-func reqs – ✔ happy – (i.e. customer is happy) × No new tech dept × DevOps are happy

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Hello! I am Baruch and I have an obsession

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“DeVops engineer” is not a thing

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Let’s The rise of the devdevops!

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Engineering aspect of devops Jokes Aside

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Welcome to our new lord and savior: “Platform engineering”!

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Scott Shaw Chief Technology Officer, APAC, Thoughtworks

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Software craft-person definit ion of done × We got what they × Tests - ✔ want × QA are happy × Clear code × Team lead is happy × Easy to deploy × Product owner is × Non-func reqs – ✔ happy – (i.e. customer is happy) × No new tech dept × PEs are happy

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What makes platform enginee rs × × × × × × Modular Deployable Observable Scalable Upgradable Downgradable h a ppy

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We figured the “devops” shit out. Done.

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😕 😁

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Dev Ops DevOps QA

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Process People DevOps Tools

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Productive Process Productive People DevOps Productive Tools

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Empowered Teams ?!?! DevOps Kubernetes

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The pain is real

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Production system of your production systems

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Developer Productivity Engineering DevOps Kubernetes Empowered Teams

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Developer Productivity Enginee Foster Faster Feedback Collaborate through Effective Tooling Eliminate Toil for Developers Dedicated Organizational Mindset ring Embrace Rigorous Observability for Proactive Improvement Prioritize Automation and Eliminate Bottlenecks Outcomes Over Output

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Talk is cheap, show me the goods!

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Small DPE improvements make a × × × × × huge difference Generate code faster: Better IDE Test better: Testcontainers Enforce better code: Sonar Test more reliably: Flaky test detection Foster Faster Feedback:

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feedback efficiency × × × × IDE: Sub-seconds (I type, it marks it red) Build: Seconds CI: Minutes Production: Hours/Days

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Reverse dependency on distance from developers IDE Build CI Production Feedback Time Faster Slower Distance from Developers Expected Real

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It is slow!

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It is slow and the developers h ave no idea why!

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What is build? × × × × × Project setup Downloading the Internet Artifact generation: Compilation, packaging, etc Tests Artifact deployment

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What can go wrong? × × × × × Project setup Downloading the Internet Artifact generation: Compilation, packaging, etc Tests Artifact deployment

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When can it go wrong? At any time.

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The Build frustrates the developers

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Let’s ask Chatgpt

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What the actual f*ck?! × Skipping tests defeats the purpose of the build! × How about skipping compilation? × We want faster feedback, not less feedback

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What feedback do we want?

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Ci/cd pipeline quality gates It compiles Basic Integration tests Basic Unit tests Basic Quality Linting Quality Code coverage Dependency scanning SAST/DAST Quality Sec Static code analysis Sec Sec Secrets scanning Resource Utilization Nonfunc Nonfunc Load Testing Nonfunc Compliance

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Two types of feedback x e.g., CI/CD x we never wait for it x results are distracting x e.g., build x we’ll wait for it in the flow x we’ll be pissed off when it’s slow

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Reverse dependency on distance from developers Faster IDE Build CI Feedback Time Commit time synchronous asynchronous Slower Distance from Developers Production

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Ideal build time feedback It compiles Basic Integration tests Basic Unit tests Basic Quality Linting Quality Code coverage Dependency scanning SAST/DAST Quality Sec Static code analysis Sec Sec Secrets scanning Resource Utilization Nonfunc Nonfunc Load Testing Nonfunc Compliance

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Delightful build (pick two): ☑ provides max feedback ☑ fast

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Skip what can be skipped (but no more!)

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Avoidance: Incremental build × Don’t build what didn’t changed × Don’t build what isn’t affected

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Avoidance: Incremental build s hortcomings × Relies on produced artifacts × Relies on architectural decisions

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Avoidance: Caching × × × × Makes the build faster Makes the build faster for everybody Makes the build faster always Makes all parts of the build faster

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Avoidance: Predictive test selec tion × Learns de-facto code change effects × Skips tests with high degree of confidence

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Predictive Test prediction What changed Where it changed Correlate with observed test failures Predictions which changes will fail which tests

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Black magic in action × The more tests a project has, the less they break × Refactorings in Java break tests less than in JavaScript

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Speed up what can’t be skipped

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Test parallelization × Use max power of local machine × (Yes, your boss should buy you the bleeding edge)

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Test distribution × × × × CI uses fan-out to speed-up tests Shouldn’t you enjoy it for local tests? Use the cloud to distribute test load RUN ALL THE NEEDED TESTS!

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Don’t let it slide

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Observe and improve × Measure local build times across time and environments × Detect downfacing trends × Find root causes and improve

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But DPE is not my job!

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But Devops is not my job!

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Devops vs DPE The product More productive work On everybody’s minds Slips away Organizational culture Specialized team

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The best DPE organizations build focused teams

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DevOps? Sre? PE? DPE? × × × × × × DevOps mainly solves Ops’ concerns It is is a collaborative methodology It needs engineering implementation Call it SRE or call it PE, someone has to write all those YAML files But what about People Productivity? DPE has the answer and it’s another pillar of DevOps Engineering implementation

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Learn more and try it today! × × × × Take the Gradle/Maven Speed Challenge Be DPE Agent of Change! Read the DPE Handbook Watch the DPE Summit videos x

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